Hamara Bharat — Incredible India!

Let us discuss

  1. What has Bharat always been known for?

Answer: Bharat has always been known as a land of wise and heroic individuals.

  1. What is attractive about Bharat?

Answer: Bharat’s rich and diverse culture is attractive to many people.

  1. What is special about the fact that the people live here in unison?

Answer: It shows unity in diversity, meaning people live together peacefully despite different backgrounds.

  1. What geographical features does the passage mention?

Answer: The passage mentions rivers, lakes, high mountains, and green forests.

  1. What is the advice given to everyone?

Answer: The advice is that we should continue working hard to make sure that Bharat prospers.

Kalakritiyon ka Bharat

Let us do these activities before we read.

Complete these words with the correct vowels (A, E, I, O, U).

(a) We like to decorate our homes with our f__l k__r t.

Answer: We like to decorate our homes with our f o l k a r t.

(b) Our c__l t__r e consists of our ideas, customs, traditions, values, arts, and languages.

Answer: Our c u l t u r e consists of our ideas, customs, traditions, values, arts, and languages.

(c) All of us celebrate our f__s t__v__l s together.

Answer: All of us celebrate our f e s t i v a l s together.

(d) We tell stories to our children to teach them about our c__l t__r e, h__s t__r y, and l__g__n d s.

Answer: We tell stories to our children to teach them about our c u l t u r e, h i s t o r y, and l e g e n d s.

(e) We have our own l__n g__a g__s to talk to each other.

Answer: We have our own l a n g u a g e s to talk to each other.

Let us discuss

  1. What is the Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat programme all about?

Answer: It is about knowing that we all belong to one nation and sharing a bond of unity in diversity.

  1. Why is this programme being conducted?

Answer: It is conducted to show that our unity in diversity makes us a wonderful country and to help students meet friends from all over the country.

Let us discuss

On the basis of what the speakers said about the art forms, complete the table given below.

Name of the child State Art form Things needed
Akanksha Uttarakhand Aipan White rice flour paste, brick-red walls with geru
Priyaranjan Odisha Dhokra Clay, wax, brass scrap, fire
Chitra Kerala Coconut shell craft Coconut shells, sandpaper or machine, wood polish
Balamurali Andhra Pradesh Kondapalli Soft wood, makku (tamarind seed powder and sawdust), colours

Let us think and reflect

  1. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

(a) The designs for Aipan are taken from cultural traditions and observations of nature.

(b) Dhokra metal craft is very old because it is 4000 years old.

(c) A base is needed for coconut shell craft to make it stable.

(d) Soft wood, makku and colours are used to make Kondapalli toys.

  1. Why does Akanksha’s family make Aipan?

Answer: They make Aipan during family functions and festivals as part of their folk art tradition.

  1. In Dhokra, why does wax come out of the small openings?

Answer: Because when heated, the wax melts and comes out through small openings, leaving space for the liquid metal.

  1. What is common in the toys made in Balamurali’s village and coconut shell craft in Kerala?

Answer: Both use natural materials and are eco-friendly crafts.

Let us learn

  1. Now, use some of these words to complete the paragraph given below. Use one word only once.

Words: to begin, first, then, after that, next, finally, at last

How I Get Ready for School

(i) First, I get up and go to take a shower. (ii) Then, I wear my school dress. (iii) After that, I eat my food. (iv) Next, I wear my shoes. (v) Finally, I pick up my bag and go out of my home.

  1. Make five sentences with the help of the words given in the table below. Use -s/-es wherever necessary.
Pronouns Verbs Part of a sentence Complete Sentences
I know how to dance I know how to dance.
We ask questions to understand We ask questions to understand.
You draw beautiful flowers You draw beautiful flowers.
He tells a story every day He tells a story every day.
They make paintings in free periods They make paintings in free periods.
She speaks very loudly She speaks very loudly.
We practise spellings on Friday We practise spellings on Friday.

Let us listen

  1. Listen to the description of gakkad bharta and complete the notes given below.

(a) Name of the speaker: Sushil

(b) The town of the speaker: Jabalpur

(c) The state he belongs to: Madhya Pradesh

(d) The name of the food item: Gakkad Bharta

(e) Vegetables roasted for bharta: Brinjals and tomatoes

  1. Now, listen to the description again and complete the flowchart on how to make gakkad bharta.
  2. To make gakkad, make balls of wheat dough and roast them on high heat.
  3. To make bharta, roast brinjal and tomatoes and garnish with chopped onions, coriander, green chillies and salt.
  4. To serve, crumble the gakkad, put some bharta on it and add one spoon of ghee.

Let us write

Write a paragraph with five sentences giving your reasons for liking an art form.


I liked the coconut shell craft from Kerala the most. It is interesting because they use coconut shells to make useful items. They make bowls and even jewellery from coconut shells. They clean and polish the shells to make them shine. This craft is biodegradable and does not harm the environment. I think it is a creative way to use natural materials.


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