The Kites

Let us discuss Read the poem silently. As you read, mark the given statements as True or False. (a) The child is looking at the kites. True (b) The kites look like birds of different colours. True (c) It was a rainy day. False (d) The child wants to be like a kite. False (e) … Read more

Hamara Bharat — Incredible India!

Let us discuss What has Bharat always been known for? Answer: Bharat has always been known as a land of wise and heroic individuals. What is attractive about Bharat? Answer: Bharat’s rich and diverse culture is attractive to many people. What is special about the fact that the people live here in unison? Answer: It … Read more

Yoga–A Way of Life

Let us do these activities before we read. What do you know about yoga? Answer: Yoga is an exercise that helps us keep our body and mind healthy. What is 21st June known for? What do we do on this day? Answer: 21st June is International Yoga Day. On this day, people all over the … Read more

The Winner

Let us do these activities before we read. Look at this picture. (a) What are these children doing? Answer: The children are playing ball. (b) Where do you think they are? Answer: They are in a field near a creek. (c) What is the time of the day? Answer: It is evening time. Discuss the … Read more

Change of Heart

Let us do these activities before we read. Which games or sports do you play? Answer: I play cricket and badminton. Read the questions given below. Talk about them and make a list. (a) Which games or sports do you play for fun? Answer: I play hide and seek and tag for fun. (b) Which … Read more

Neem Baba

1. A tree is useful to us in many ways. Mention some of these uses. Write them in the picture given below. Answer: Some parts of trees are used in preparing medicines. Trees provide shade. Trees give us fruits and vegetables. Wood from trees is used to make furniture. Trees clean the air by absorbing … Read more

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